Hong Kong Urges Banks to Embrace Crypto Clients

Hong Kong's banking regulator, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), is reportedly pressuring leading lenders, including HSBC and Standard Chartered, to onboard cryptocurrency exchanges as clients. As countries worldwide tighten regulations on crypto exchanges, this push from Hong Kong reflects the growing recognition of cryptocurrencies' potential.

Balancing Compliance and Innovation:

While it is essential to establish robust AML measures, regulators must avoid creating burdensome compliance frameworks that stifle innovation and deter legitimate businesses from entering the cryptocurrency space. Imposing outdated requirements that disregard the unique nature of cryptocurrencies can undermine the cost-saving advantages and technological efficiencies they offer.

In the uphill battle for regulatory recognition, it is often said that Crypto is used to launder money. Here is a few examples of how cryptocurrency transactions in fact make compliance and crime fighting easier as opposed to dealing with cash:


Unlike cash transactions, crypto transactions occur on a transparent and decentralized blockchain. Each transaction is recorded and visible to all participants, creating transparency and an immutable transaction history. This feature makes it significantly harder for money launderers to conceal their activities.

Enhanced Detection of Illicit Funds

In contrast to cash transactions, crypto transactions leave a digital footprint that can be monitored and analyzed. Blockchain analysis tools can help identify suspicious or illicit activities by tracking the movement of funds, patterns, and connections. This allows for early detection and prevention of money laundering attempts.

Enhanced Due Diligence

Crypto transactions often involve robust Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. Users are required to provide identification and verification information, reducing the possibility of anonymous or fraudulent transactions. This level of due diligence adds an extra layer of protection against money laundering. Along with declared and white-listed addresses, the entire paper trail can be easily traced using state-of-the-art AML software.

Transaction Monitoring and Reporting

Cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers implement transaction monitoring systems to identify suspicious activities and comply with anti-money laundering regulations. Unusual or suspicious transactions can be flagged and reported to authorities, ensuring prompt action against potential money laundering activities.


Digital payment token investments, such as cryptocurrencies, are not guaranteed by service providers or cryptocurrency exchanges and the government. It is crucial to exercise caution in investing, including the awareness that a part or all of the capital may be lost and may not be recovered, especially in cases of high price volatility or down market, bankruptcy, seizures and other factors. Hence, the user’s risk tolerance, investment appetite or capacity for loss should be set firstly, and they should observe safe and knowledgeable investment practices accordingly. For more information, please visit MAS' website.


Coinut.com is a financial entity regulated as a Money Services Business in Canada and an exempt entity under the Payment Services Act in Singapore. Please be reminded that cryptocurrency trading is highly risky and is not suitable for the general public. For more information, please refer to Risk Warnings and Risk Statements.