Coinut Swap
Swap anytime, anywhere.
1. What is Coinut Swap?
Coinut Swap is a product that allows you to swap one cryptocurrency asset for another asset almost instantly with just a few clicks. This service is available 24/7 and supports quick withdrawal of assets upon swap confirmation.
2. Are there any transaction fees?
There are no fees for using Coinut Swap.
3. How can I ensure my trading is safe with Coinut?
3.1. Licensing
Granted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), we are exempted from holding a license and we adhere to the regulations under the Payment Services Act for the below payment services :
- Digital Payment Token
- E-money Issuance
- Account Issuance
3.2. Security Measures
We adhere to the Technology Risk Management (TRM) Guidelines from MAS. In addition, we are ISO 27001 certified and have obtained the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification from IMDA in Singapore, demonstrating our commitment to strict standards for information security management and personal data protection. We continuously improve our practices to protect your data, utilizing measures such as encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and other security protocols to safeguard your account and trading activities.
4. Where can I find more information?
Please refer to this FAQ Page for the full list of Coinut Swap FAQs.